How can WE End the Money?
This most important part here is WE.
Way #1
World war 3. or major disaster like meteorite that will wipe most of us out.
This will help destroying majority of population and hopefully the ones that have left will start ne civilization the right way.
I personally do not think they will because we will go to the only way we know to enslave our self’s with money.
Way #2
World Revolution that will create a lot of death, poverty, hunger and probably eventually lead to WW3. Because the way all governments know how to deal with problems is military force.
Way #3
Fewer people or companies having majority of money and enslaving all the most people by keeping them in depth. Eventually we just become slaves and that lead to another revolution and that will probably lead to the WW3. This is actually what is happening now in US. If the Government understands no other way they will start WW3 to avoid loosing power or to keep an order.
Way #4
Peaceful and logical way to end this nightmare
So how would we actually if we were ready mentally speed up this process and start moving towards the end of money direction?
Money End corp.
1st and most important thing is our mentality. If we end the money right now w/o changing the way we think We should leave the planet now..
So 1st and the most important thing is Education will call it Money End Education MEE
2nd we have to stop spending money. Sounds ridicules right?
Well think again.
What if we created corporation and called it Money End Corp or Last legal Pyramid
Since we are still in this system we have to play by it rules.
One corporation should be formed for each country.
Lets take USA for now.
Every new share holder in United States would own 100 units of MEC. Since this is world wide process there should be one united currency to exchange between the Countries within the company. (Sounds like globalization only in the good way).
In USA 100 units will be equal to $100. We want this to be easily affordable for every one.
Since we are starting to use our brain lets call us Humans and let’s call the rest of us Citizens. We can change the names I am just being hypothetical. I just finally want to be a Human not Citizen of United states or Russia or Jew or Arab or Hindu just a Human.
No one can purchase more or less units but you can always donate. Humans under age of 16 can become shareholders free of charge by simply applying.
So in this corporation every single Person will be equal money wise. In US there around 300 million people. 1 million people will bring 100 mill…. let me write it 100 000 000 :)
This money will become an operating budget (nice start) of MEC.
Operations. What this company has to do? What kind of business we should be in?
I think is the obvious that we as a Humans have to become self sufficient from Citizens (right now we are all citizens). Another words we have to change the flow of money to the inside of the MEC as much as possible.
Where we must spent most of the money? Or let’s identify the major sources where big corporations gain control over us
1. Energy
This is # 1 priority. We have to gain control over free or almost free energy alternate fusel fuels (Gas and Natural gas)
There is many interesting ideas but all of the required making a completely ne vehicle or engine like electromagnetic engine or compressed air engine and so on.
But I think we need a solution NOW to fuel what we already have.
Almost any internal combustion engine can burn hydrogen with few minor modifications. With the new technological inventions that exist right now we can generate and store hydrogen almost free w/o using fusel fuels. I am not even talking that your oil change will be every 20-30k instead of 3k miles because there is no sludge in the engine when you burn hydrogen
We will invest in the new hydrogen stations and install them in every major location that wants to participate. Like car dealerships, gas stations supermarkets since those Solar powered stations (already on the market) will cost nothing to operate. We will charge Citizens half the price of current gasoline prices.
This Money End world will have only one law. “No one can force any one to do anything” And this Law or Principal will be taught in the schools of Money End World